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Jesus Valentin Cruz - Cover Mockups.jpg
Jesus Valentin Cruz - Book Cover Design Template copy.jpg


1. What book did you decide to redesign the cover for? Why did you choose this book?

I decided to redesign the "KAWS" designer book by Monica Ramirez Montagut. I chose the book because I'm a big fan of KAWS and his work and art and his come-up story are inspirational I wanna get to the level he's at. 


2. What parts of the plot did you use as inspiration for your book cover design?

The parts of the plot I took inspiration from were the KAWS figures, which he's known for.


3. In as much detail as possible record the steps it took to create this project in photoshop. Use complete sentences.​ Try to recall as many of the different tools, processes, and keyboard commands as possible?

 1.I searched for all the pictures and textures 2.I added all them to the artboard 3.I added the texts and was finding fonts to use and fixed the sizes 4.I added custom shadows on each character by making a black square and made it into a clipping mask then changed the opacity to what I felt looked right and help make it make them look more realistic and pop out more 5.I added a paper effect used the lasso tool to cut the image then made a clipping mask 6. I added tape images and make that paper tape effect 7.I unsharped each image to make them pop more 8.I added the textures and added contract 9. added blendmodes 10.I was done with everything.


4. What was the easiest and what was the most challenging part of creating your cover?

The easiest part was adding the pictures and organizing them. The hardest part was I guess adding the shadows on the bottom to make it look more realistic.


5. Based on the learning target, "Students will redesign a cover for a famous book that appeals to a modern literacy audience by developing, proposing, and refining artistic ideas, plans, prototypes, and production processes for media arts productions.  " what level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding). Why do you think so? Make sure to provide specific evidence.

I feel like my cover exceeds because I didn't just add one picture and called it a day I added multiple pictures of different figures and I didn't just add the summary of the book and author I also added pictures of the author and wrote a quick summary of the person the book is about and added a picture of him as well. I also added my own shadows on the character to make it more realistic and pop more and I didn't just leave the background plane I made my cover art have a theme with the ripped paper effect and added the tapes to make everything blend in.

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