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Scrapbook mob.jpg
Screen Shot 2022-11-14 at 12.43.16 PM.png

1. In as much detail as possible record the steps it took to create this project in photoshop. Use complete sentences.​
First I went to find all the images I need for the project and downloaded them. Second I made the artboard in Photoshop. Third I added all the pictures cut them out then blended everything. Fourth I added textures to make everything blend well.

2. Define the terms as they relate to Photoshop: Blend modes,  layer masks, and adjustment layers. Give a specific example of how you used each of these in your identity collage. 
I used blend modes to make all my pictures look good and blended. I used layer masks to put the paper texture behind every image and give it that ripped effect. I used adjustment layers to make my image's colors pop more and to also help bland.

3. How does your college represent your identity? What specific images did you use and what do they represent about you? 
My college represents my identity because every picture I put represents me in some type way for example I put a sketch because I love drawing and want to have a career in it I also put spray cans to show my love for graffiti also put my dream cars a Rolls Royce and Lamo Truck then just three of my favorite rappers and more things I like.

4. What was successful in your project? What was unsuccessful and what would you do differently next time to solve this problem?
I found everything successful in my project I didn't really run into any problems but some things I would do differently is organizing pictures better.

5. Based on the learning target, what level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding)? Why do you think? Make sure to provide specific evidence.

I want to say my project exceeds because I did something different than everyone else and I spent a lot of time on my project and really paid attention to small details that some people wouldn't be able to till unless you really pay attention.

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